March 3, 2023

Clock Works – New EP out now

As my new EP ClockWorks is out today, I would like to share some thoughts on a sound we all know from our childhood: the sound of music boxes.

I always had a liking for this particular sound of music boxes, glockenspiels, celestas, dulcitones, as well as for the musical aspects of ticking clocks and their mechanical noises. I think this is because of the very gentle, very pure, and very soft sound of the swinging, clicking, and grinding metal pieces that lures us to come as close as possible.
On the other hand, this is just the surface, the working material. More deeply, I think the tunes and arrangements arise from the melancholy, the sadness that comes over when we are faced with the fugaciousness of childhood. 

So I hope you like my five little treasures. You find them on all major streaming platforms, I assembled them on my Enjoy!

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